
October 2019 


1. The club shall be named Denmore Park Sports and Social Club (“the Club”). 

2. The objects of the Club shall be to provide facilities for playing  tennis, squash and other indoor and outdoor sport and recreation  and suitable clubhouse accommodation for its members. 


3. The Club must have at least 25 members to be properly  constituted. 

4. Membership of the Club shall be confined to residents of Denmore  Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen who are over 18. Membership  shall cease immediately if a member is no longer a resident. 

5. All new residents or residents reaching the age of 18 can be  proposed for membership by 2 members of the Club. 

6. The names and addresses of proposed new members of the Club  shall be displayed on the clubhouse noticeboard for a period of  one month before the Sports & Social Committee (“the  Committee”) shall make a decision on membership. 

7. Any member may intimate objections in writing to the Committee,  who will decide on the matter. 

8. No person is to be permitted honorary or temporary membership of  the Club or to be relieved of the payment of the regular entrance  fee or subscription, except:- 

i. to allow temporary participation in the activities offered by the  Club; and

ii. in accordance with specific provisions set out in the Club  Rules. 


9. The subscription shall be £1 per annum (or such other sum as may  be fixed from time to time by a general meeting of the Club) for  members payable in advance and shall be included in the levy  payment to Denmore Park Management Limited. 

10. No part of any subscription shall be returned to a member on  cessation of membership. 


11. The Committee of the Club shall consist of up to 16 members, all  of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (“the  AGM”). 

12. After the AGM, the elected members of the Committee shall meet  and elect such officials or conveners as they deem necessary. 

13. Vacancies occurring on the Committee during the year shall be  filled by the Committee co-opting a new member who will retire at  the AGM, but be eligible for re-election. 

14. Members of the Committee shall be subject to annual re-election  but may serve for an unspecified number of years. 


15. The Committee shall manage all the ordinary business and affairs  of the Club. 

16. No member of the Committee and no manager or servant  employed by the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale  of alcoholic liquor therein or the profits from such sale.

17. In the event of any member wilfully violating the Rules of the Club  or conducting themselves in such a manner as is, in the opinion of  the Committee, objectionable, or likely to injure or discredit the  Club, the Committee may suspend the member from all rights and  privileges of membership. Such suspension shall become final  and the member’s membership shall cease after two months from  the date of the suspension unless either, (a) the Committee withdraw the suspension within that time, or (b) the Committee’s  decision is over-ruled by a general meeting of the Club duly called  within that time to consider the matter. Before the Committee and  any general meeting, the member shall be afforded the fullest  opportunity to state their case. 

18. The Committee shall cause the treasurer to keep correct accounts  and books showing the financial affairs and intromissions of the  Club. These shall be reviewed quarterly by the Committee.  Annual accounts shall be prepared and audited and submitted to  the AGM for approval. 

19. The Committee shall meet to manage the affairs of the Club at  such times as it thinks fit but no period of more than 2 months shall  elapse without a meeting being held. 

20. The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees  from their own number or otherwise, and delegate any particular duties and powers to them. 

21. The Committee shall have the power to make regulations for the  general comfort, benefit and accommodation of its members  provided that they are not inconsistent with any rules of the Club.  Regulations shall be posted on the clubhouse noticeboard and  shall be binding on all members unless and until over-ruled by a  General Meeting of the club. 

22. At meetings of the Committee, the chairman, whom failing, a  member chosen by the Committee shall preside. All matters shall  be determined by the majority. The chairman of the meeting shall  have an additional vote in the event of votes being equal.


23. The AGM shall be held once in every calendar year and no more  than 15 months shall elapse between Meetings. 

The following business shall be conducted:- 

a. the approval of the minutes of the previous General Meeting; b. the approval of the audited accounts; 

c. the election of the Committee; 

d. the consideration of any resolutions intimated in writing to the  Committee at least 2 weeks before the date of the meeting;  and 

e. the consideration of any other business which the chairman  may consider competent. 

24. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any  time and shall be called by them on receipt of a notice in writing  requesting the same, signed by at least 10 members of the Club,  specifying the resolution or business they wish to have considered. 

25. Notice of each General Meeting shall be posted on the Clubhouse  noticeboard not less than 3 weeks before the meeting and the  notice shall be delivered to each member’s last known address not  less than 8 days before the meeting, provided that omission to give  such notice shall not invalidate a meeting. Such notice shall  specify the time and place of the meeting and the business to be  conducted. 

26. At all General Meetings, the chairman, whom failing, a member  chosen by the Committee shall preside. All matters shall be  determined by the majority. The chairman of the meeting shall  have an additional vote in the event of the vote being equal. Any  member, may, by writing, appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his  behalf.


27. Each ordinary member of the Club shall be entitled to introduce up  to 7 visitors to the Club on any one day. Visitors may remain in the  Club premises or grounds, including the tennis courts, only if the  member who introduced them is present. 

28. A visitor shall not be supplied with alcoholic liquor in the Club  premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member  and the member shall, upon the admission of such visitor to the  Club premises or immediately upon his being supplied with such  liquor, enter his own name and the name and address of the visitor  in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show  the date of each visit. 

29. Members introducing visitors shall be held responsible for the  conduct of the visitor while on, or in the vicinity of, the Club  premises. 


30. All alcoholic liquor consumed on the premises must be purchased  from the Club. 

31. No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises  for consumption off the premises, except to a member of the Club  in person for consumption by him or to a person holding a licence  or a wholesaler’s excise licence for the sale of such liquor. 

32. No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club to any  person under the age of 18.  

33. Children (under 18’s) are allowed in the bar and function area  provided they are accompanied by a parent / guardian. They are  not allowed to sit at the bar area but can purchase non-alcoholic  items, juice, snacks etc. 

34. Smoking, including e-cigarettes is not permitted within the  clubhouse or the patio area. 

35. Music shall not be played out on the patio beyond 11.00 pm.


36. The fees for hiring the function hall will be decided by the  Committee and shall be reviewed at regular intervals. 

37. No person shall act in a manner which causes or is likely to cause  unreasonable nuisance, annoyance or injury to other persons  using the premises. 

38. No responsibility is taken by the Club for the loss or damage to any  property of members or visitors while in or in the vicinity of the  Clubhouse premises. 

39. No person shall act in a manner which causes or is likely to cause  damage to be sustained to the premises or any facilities on the  premises. 

40. Gym membership is available at an additional cost. 

41. No person of 16 years or younger should be allowed to use the  gym equipment. 


42. These rules may be altered at any time by a resolution passed at a  General Meeting of the Club.