24th October 2019

As per Sports & Social Club rule 21

  1. The Sports &Social Committee of Denmore Park Sports & Social Club shall have overall responsibility for recording and implementation of these regulations.

  2. The Sports & Social Committee shall have the responsibility for the administration of the booking system for the use of the premises

  3. The lounge bar cannot be booked. The intention of this regulation is to retain the lounge bar for general use during specified hours.

  4. Members may hire and enjoy exclusive use of the function hall for their invited guests.  See separate “Terms & Conditions for Hire of Function Room”.  

  5. The Sports & Social Committee shall determine the bar opening hours within the licence conditions.

  6. Honorary membership of the club may be conferred on any person, whether a resident of Denmore Park or not, who has rendered special service in furtherance of the objects of the club.

  7. No notice or document of any kind shall be placed on the Clubhouse notice board or elsewhere within the club premises without the permission of a committee member.

  8. Children must be accompanied by a club member, who must stay with them at all times.

  9. Children shall only be allowed in the bar area if there are no objections.

  10. No dogs, other than assistance dogs are permitted within the clubhouse at any time.

  11. Persons wishing to enter the bar area should seek the permission of the DBM or bar staff.

  12. SQUASH, GYM AND TENNIS.  The gym and squash courts are available daily from approx... 7.00am to 10.00pm.

  13. The facilities should only be used for the purpose for which they were intended, except by arrangement with the Sports & Social Committee.

  14. No black soled shoes shall be allowed in the squash court and only training shoes with soft soles should be used.

  15. GYM – membership of the gym shall be by household for a monthly fee set by the Sports & Social Committee in conjunction with the trustees.

  16. The gym shall only be used by those households paying the monthly fee.  However, guests may use the gym in the company of a gym member for a small contribution.

  17. The gym equipment shall not be used by any person under 16 years of age.