Top Loch Renovation Update
Phase 1 of cleaning out the top loch is now complete.
This has been a huge task that has not only secured the immediate future of the loch but has created the infrastructure to allow future access if it is needed.
Please note that the material dredged from the loch has been placed in a deep excavation on the north side. There is a barrier around the area that will remain in place until the material has dewatered and can be landscaped.
This part of the project has only been possible through the skill and ingenuity of our contractor Richard and the hard graft of our groundsmen and volunteers.
Obviously it will take some time for nature to recolonise the banks and the newly created area but the work couldn’t have been completed without significant disturbance.
Phase 2 of the project will be to reinstate the pathways around the loch. This will take a while and we will be asking for volunteers to help manhandle large quantities of aggregate.
We will also be building a bridge across the burn where it enters the loch. This will allow access for our mule and also for residents to access the north side. We are hoping to use trees blown over during storm Arwen to construct the bridge.
Updates will be posted as work progresses.