7th January 2019
1. The function hall may only be hired by a member of the club (Hirer) on receipt of the appropriate booking fee determined by the Sports & Social Club Committee.
2. The hirer should ensure that there are sufficient club members at the function to sign in guests. Each member of the club may introduce 7 visitors to the function provided that the member enters their names in the visitors’ book and remains with them for the duration of the visit. Members introducing guests are responsible for their conduct throughout the duration of the visit.
3. No alcoholic liquor can be sold or supplied in the club to any person under the age of 18. No alcoholic liquor should be consumed by any person under the age of 18. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent / guardian and cannot purchase any alcoholic liquor from the bar.
4. For any 18th and 21st birthday parties, it is imperative that the parents / guardians are in attendance at all times and it is their responsibility to notify the bar staff of anyone under the age of 18 to ensure any underage drinking does not occur.
5. The club will endeavour to roster volunteer bar staff, provided reasonable notice is given and all other conditions are adhered to.
6. The function must be conducted in such a way that it does not cause injury, or cause wilful damage to the premises, nor bring discredit on the club. The cost of reparation for any damage is the responsibility of the hirer.
7. No responsibility is taken by the club for the loss or damage to any property of members or visitors. 8. All alcoholic liquor consumed on the premises MUST be purchased from the club.
9. The hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding area in a tidy, clean and hygienic condition. Any items moved should be returned to their original place and any items brought in should be removed within 24 hours.
10. Cleaning should be in accordance with the cleaning checklist by midday the following day or at a time agreed with the booker. This may be earlier than midday.
11. A private arrangement for cleaning services can be made with the club’s cleaner. 12. The Sports & Social Committee reserves the right to refuse a booking application for any reason.
13. The Sports & Social Committee reserves the right to review these conditions at any time in conjunction with any changes made to the Scottish Licensing Act 2005.
I hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions stated above for hire of the function hall.
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Updated June 2021.